1. Pakistan to become full member of International Olive Council
2. The Express Tribune. (Pakistan’s successful membership of the International Olive Council.(IOC)
3. OLIVE OIL | How is it Made? (OLIVE: How Does it Grow?)
4. How traditional Olive Oil is made
5. National Olive project launched at Suleman Mountain Range
6. Global share of table olive production by country 2018/2019
7. Pakistan Set to Become Olive Council Member
8. Olive Farmers in Pakistan Seek Government Assistance to Scale Production
9. Record Heatwave and Drought in Pakistan Threaten Crops and Olive Farming
10. Confirmed: it is possible to obtain ethanol from biomass from olive tree pruning
11. Pakistani olive oil farmers eyeing Chinese cooperation
12. Italy to invest €1.5mn for olive cultivation in Pakistan: Ambassador
13. Italian and Croatian Olive Growers Test New Carbon Credit Project
14. Pakistan’s growing olive oil industry brings much-needed jobs
15. Olive Farming Is Booming In South Punjab | Khanewal Pakistan | CropForLife
16. Pakistani olive oil farmers eying cooperation with China